The latest news, events, and trends from Invest in Valencia.

Marina de Empresas: propelling Valencia as a premier innovation hub
Our partner of July couldn’t be other than Marina de Empresas, a vibrant entrepreneurial hub in Valencia, consists of EDEM, Angels, and Lanzadera. These entities

Valencia: A Beacon of Internationally Recognized Educational Excellence
Valencia’s universities are renowned for their exceptional quality, earning high praise both nationally and internationally. With their robust educational programs, diverse study options, and cutting-edge

The power of Aftercare: UMIbeach and ShibataFenderTeam drive innovation in Valencia
The Invest in Valencia professional team is dedicated to the city’s development. Our commitment and care shine through in every project we undertake, celebrating each

The Italian startup Thimus lands in Valencia with an innovative technology that analyzes the emotions produced by food
The Italian startup Thimus, a pioneer in the use of cultural neuroscience applied to food, has settled in La Harinera, the innovation center of the

“Valencia Game City will position the city as a leader in the Spanish gaming industry”
Our June partner is Valencia Game City, the initiative launched by the Valencia City Council as part of the Valencia Innovation Capital initiative to boost

7 Keys to Invest in Spain, according to BDO
Our partner of the month for May, BDO, is a great ally for both foreign investors and Spanish companies seeking internationalization. Like Invest in Valencia,
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