Siemens Mobility lands in the city through Invest in València with a transport engineering center that will generate 150 jobs.

From left to right: Isabel San Cristobal, Head of Performance Controlling Siemens Mobility SouthWest Europe, María Escartí Barcia, Director, Invest in València, Ralph Boettcher, CFO of Siemens Mobility Spain, José Vicente Morata, President of the Chamber of València Commerce, Agustin Escobar, CEO of Siemens Mobility in Spain, Arcadi España Garcia, Minister of Finance and Economic Model, Karolina Korth, Head of Strategy Siemens Mobility, Borja Sanjuán, Valencia City Council, Economic Councelor, Julio Olmos Lablanca, València City Council, Economic Developement Coordinator, Vicente Mompó Ruiz de la Cuesta, Director, International Area, Valencia Chamber of Commerce.


Valencia, September 15, 2022.- The Invest in Valencia Investment Office, the new municipal service promoted by the City Council of Valencia and Valencia Chamber of Commerce to promote the establishment of new companies in the city, has accompanied Siemens Mobility in its process of implementation in the city with the creation of a Technology Center for Sustainable Mobility focused on the development of high technology for railway signaling that will generate 150 jobs, a figure that could double in the coming years. 


The company has explained to the main Valencian institutions the details of its implementation in Valencia in a meeting attended by the Minister of Finance and Economic Model, Arcadi España; the deputy mayor of the Innovative Development Area, Borja Sanjuan; the president of the Valencia Chamber of Commerce, José Vicente Morata.

In this way, the representatives of Siemens Mobility have advanced that the company plans to generate initially about 150 jobs, (see vacancies here), a figure that could double in the coming years and will have as main areas of action the Engineering and Software Development. Specifically, they will focus on the objective of developing new sustainable mobility technologies, focusing on innovation and digitization.

After the meeting, the Councilor for Finance and Economic Model, Arcadi España, stressed “the importance of Siemens Mobility betting on Valencia, attracting investment, boosting talent and promoting economic development and employment generation”.

“The arrival of this multinational is great news for the economic revival of the city. In this line we must continue to work together the public and private sector to achieve a reference and more competitive city, “said the councilor.

For his part, the councilman of Finance, Borja Sanjuan, explained that “the investment office is a strategic tool to achieve greater economic promotion of our city, offering specialized and quality advice to domestic and foreign investment, and therefore companies of the stature of Siemens Mobility choose our city to continue growing.”

“Thanks to the management being carried out by the Invest in València team, our city is attracting projects that generate opportunities and quality employment, such as Siemens Mobility Spain. This news shows once again that this is the Valencian moment, València is a city of opportunities and talent attraction,” said Councilman Borja Sanjuan.

The president of the Valencia Chamber of Commerce, José Vicente Morata, said that “the choice of Siemens Mobility for Valencia shows the potential of our innovative fabric and the commitment to innovation and technology as a strategy to attract investment. València has cutting-edge spaces for research that seek synergies with the business world and we are increasingly becoming a pole of attraction for this business sector”.


Why València?

As the company explains, in addition to attracting talent, Siemens Mobility has established itself in Valencia to be closer to its customers and to be able to quickly meet new mobility demands.

In addition, the technology firm has close ties with the Universitat Politècnica de València and the Universitat de València to collaborate on projects that give recent graduates in different careers the opportunity to expand their knowledge in the railway sector through real experiences in the areas of Engineering and R+D+i, with the help of the best professionals.

For Siemens Mobility València is a very attractive city with a great cultural offer, with renowned universities and a good quality of life that make it an ideal place to invest in.

“We are very proud to open our Sustainable Mobility Technology Center in València and to contribute to the economic development of this Community, which for more than 150 years has been at the forefront of railway development in Spain. We will continue to work as closely as we have done so far with our local customers, contributing all our know-how to make railroads the backbone of mobility,” says Agustín Escobar, CEO of Siemens Mobility Spain and Southwest Europe.



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