Photo (from left to right): Lucía Calabria, Deputy Director, València Activa / València Tech City; Borja Sanjuan, Councilor for Economic Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Finance, València City Council; Nuno Grosso , Paula Marti y Carlos Lluch, DEIMOS; José Vicente Morata, President of the Chamber of Valencia; María Escartí, Director, Invest in València.
València, 14 March 2023 – Great news for València: Deimos has just landed in our city!
Elecnor Deimos has recently opened new offices in València. The decision follows the growth strategy of the company, and it was a natural choice given the region’s economic and human potential. This decision represents a great opportunity for our city, especially in terms of innovation and technological development.
The company has expressed its interest in creating partnerships with local entities to explore new opportunities in areas such as aerospace technology, location-based services, digital transformation or transport technologies, leveraging on its technical expertise.
Deimos Valencia started its activity in February 2023, with Paula Martí Rocafull as site manager. Paula is a Valencian Telecommunications Engineer who was a former Deimos employee, having worked first in Deimos UK and then in Portugal.
In preparation for the site launch and with support of Invest in València, meetings were held with various economic and academic institutions. This included a first meeting with the President of the Chamber of Commerce of Valencia, Jose Vicente Morata, and the Councilor for Economic Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Finance, València City Council, Borja Sanjuan, where potential areas of common interest were explored and where the company was welcomed to the city.
The Deimos team also visited the Polytechnic University of València and the University of València Cientific Park, where it had the opportunity to interact with management staff, technological institutes, companies and other relevant agents. Invest in València also facilitated meetings with key players in the ecosystem such as València Activa/VLC Tech City, REDIT, and other Invest in València collaborators.
Given its rapid and soft landing in the city, the Deimos team is already taking part in the aftercare activities organized by our office.
From Invest in València we highlight the importance of the incorporation of Deimos to our city, especially, but not only, for the growth and dynamization of the aerospace sector.
Welcome to València, Deimos!
Deimos en València: